Adding Plyometrics

17 Nov

By now most triathletes understand that the off-season is a great time to incorporate some new and different workouts into your triathlon training arsenal. Like many of you I’ve added some traditional strength training throughout the winter months; concentrating on the legs and back. The other thing I recently added was plyometrics. I started reading a number of articles about the benefits of these workouts and quickly became interested. Then I realized within my wife’s stack of P90X dvd’s there was a disc dedicated to it… lucky me!

So far I’ve gotta say; I love it. Just a couple of weeks doing the P90X workout twice a week, I can feel a difference. My legs feel a little more responsive and “snappy.” We’ll see what kind of dividends it pays with my run time in the spring. I highly recommend trying to incorporate plyometrics into your off-season training. At the very least, do some research and at least work in some drills before your runs. You’ll be glad you did.

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